Overcoming Energy Objections


Overcoming Energy Objections

The Land Pro’s Guide to Addressing Landowner Concerns

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While You’re Here, Check Out Our Blog:

Resume Tips and Tricks for Showcasing Your Talent

As part of our mission to set land professionals up for success, we host a monthly webinar series as part of our professional development coaching efforts. This post is a recap of last month’s webinar, which focused on helping job candidates showcase their experience with helpful resume tips and tricks.

How to Get a Job with a Criminal Record or Complex History

How to Get a Job with a Criminal Record (or otherwise Complex History)

We won’t sugarcoat the fact that having a criminal record (or otherwise complex history) can make a person’s job search more difficult. That said, if you’re someone looking to forge a positive career path despite an irregular past, the land profession could be for you. Check out our tips to help you succeed in your search.

Different elements of power, electrical lines, solar, and nuclear

What is The Best Energy Source? HINT: There isn't one.

Part of a land professional’s duties is to help energy companies find suitable land for their uses. However, this comes with pushback as landowners and residents object to different sources of energy for various reasons. In reality, no energy source is perfect and even those that seem the most virtuous are fraught with unexpected challenges.